The event was devoted to the discussion of the topic «Leasing Days in Uzbekistan: new opportunities for leasing», as well as strategies for conducting leasing business, international cooperation and support for small and medium-sized businesses in modern economic conditions.
The conference program consisted of three sessions and included the coverage of the following issues:
— Two countries, two leasing markets;
— Experience in the implementation of leasing transactions for the agricultural sector in Russia and Uzbekistan. State support for individual industries;
— Legal regulation of international leasing transactions involving leasing companies in Russia and Uzbekistan;
— Modern ways and problems of SME support through leasing;
— Industry transparency and the role of reporting, the importance of analytics and statistics;
— Role, importance and efficiency improvement of industry associations;
— Uzbekistan as the opportunity for enterprises to work with Russian capital;
— and much more.
The event was attended by the representatives of Leasing Associations of Uzbekistan and Russia, the leading lessors of both countries — banks and leasing companies, as well as the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.
Within the framework of the conference, the solemn signing of the agreement for the supply of agricultural machinery between the “Pegas-Agro” plant and “Uzagroleasing” JSC took place.
At the end of the event, the nominees among the leasing companies were announced, as well as thanks were expressed to all the speakers of the conference. Special thanks were expressed to the United Leasing Association of Russia for many years of cooperation and partnership.