Training seminar organized by Lessors Association of Uzbekistan passed

Training seminar organized by Lessors Association of Uzbekistan passed


On the training seminar, the subject of combating of income legalization, earned from criminal activity, and financing of terrorism was studied.

On September 26-28, 2012 Lessors Association of Uzbekistan held training seminar, consisted of two programs: «Combating of income legalization, earned from criminal activity, and financing of terrorism in organizations providing leasing services» and «Methodology of financial management of leasing company and its reflection in the IT — system».

At the seminar, qualified experts of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Department of fight against tax, currency crimes and criminal income legalization under General attorney of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State tax committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the candidate of economics, associate professor, Academician of international academy of leasing Kirkorov N.I. addressed a meeting.

Also at the seminar, officials responsible for implementation of internal inspection on combating of income legalization, earned from criminal activity, and financing of terrorism in leasing organizations, as well as heads of leasing companies, their deputies, financial directors and IT-experts took part.

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