The training seminar in Baku, Azerbaijan has ended.

From May 19 to 26, 2024, Baku hosted the training seminar for leasing companies, banks and insurance organizations on the topic: «Fundamentals of project management» from Professor of Practice at ADA University, certified professional in the field of project management (PMP), business coach and consultant from Azerbaijan, Mr. Jeyhun Mammadbayli. The organizers of the training seminar were the Leasing Association of Uzbekistan and PM Academy (Azerbaijan).

The purpose of the seminar was to assist the management staff of commercial banks, leasing, and insurance companies in improving the project management system and their successful implementation using modern techniques.

The following banks, leasing, and insurance companies of Uzbekistan actively participated in the training seminar — «Uzbek Leasing International A.O.» JSC, «Uzagrolizing» JSC, LC «Asaka-Trans-Leasing» JSC, «Trast Leasing» JSC, FC «Mikro Leasing» JSC, «Trast Muamalat» JSC, “Uzpromstroybank” JSCB, “Xalq Bank” JSC, and “Asia Insurance Sug’urta Kompaniyasi” JSC.

During the first four days of the training seminar, the following topics were studied:

🔸 Project process and life cycles;
🔸 Marketing concept of the project;
🔸 Criteria for successful project;
🔸 Number of tools for project management — determining the scope of the project, project stakeholders, etc.;
🔸 Project risk factors and ways to respond to them;
🔸 Leadership role of the project manager;
🔸 Stages of project team formation and processes within the team;
🔸 Main parameters of the project: time, cost and quality;
🔸 Importance of proper closure and evaluation of the project;
🔸 Challenges faced by the project manager.

On May 22, 2024, the meeting with the experts and representatives of leasing and financial companies of Azerbaijan was organized for the participants as a part of the training as well. At this meeting, representatives of both countries highlighted the state and problems of the leasing markets of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, noted the development of Islamic finance and the introduction of Islamic products (ijarah, murabaha) in Uzbekistan, shared their experience of car and imported equipment leasing.

In addition to the training seminar, a cultural program was organized, including introducing participants to the unique Azerbaijani culture, cuisine and sights of the city of Baku.

At the end of the training seminar, each participant was awarded with the certificate of completion of the course from PM Academy.
Photo materials from the training seminar:

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