LLC Uzbek-Oman Investment company became one of the owners of Uzbek Leasing International A.O.

LLC Uzbek-Oman Investment company became one of the owners of Uzbek Leasing International A.O.


On January 15, 2013, Cabinet Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan accepted Resolution «On issues of activity of joint leasing company Uzbek Leasing International A.O».

Document is directed to further expand the participation of joint leasing company Uzbek Leasing International A.O. in financing projects of modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of entities of entrepreneurship.

It is noted in the Resolution, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Finance Corporation performed assignation of shares in ownership fund of joint leasing company Uzbek Leasing International A.O. in favor of LLC Uzbek-Oman Investment Company.

Moreover, with the decision of common shareholders meeting the size of ownership fund of joint leasing company Uzbek Leasing International A.O. is increased up to USD 9 million.

In accordance with proposals of owners of joint leasing company Uzbek Leasing International A.O. the share of ownership fund of the company is allocated as follows:

— National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan — 35%;

— Maybank (Malaysia) — 35%

— LLC Uzbek-Oman Investment Company — 30 %.

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