Uzbekistan Lessors Association Sums Up Results for 2012 and Defines Development Prospects of the Sector

Uzbekistan Lessors Association Sums Up Results for 2012 and Defines Development Prospects of the Sector


On February 7, 2013, Uzbekistan Banking Association hosted meeting of Uzbekistan Lessors Association. Within a framework of this event the results to the activity of Uzbekistan Lessors Association for 2012 were summed up and priority directions of leasing market development of the country in 2013 were determined.

Representatives of Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan, General Prosecution of Uzbekistan, Credit bureaus, as well as staff-members of leasing companies and commercial banks took part at the event.

During the meeting, General Director of Uzbekistan Lessors Association Z. Mustafaev spoke about urgent tendencies of leasing market development and noted continuous growth volume of leasing services based on favorable legislative base, stable economic growth of the country and activity of lessors.

So, for the result of 2012, over 7000 deals to the amount of more than 590 billion soums were concluded at the leasing service market of the country. Comparing to 2011 this index grew more than 22%. Cumulative portfolio of leasing operations to the result of 2012 exceeded 1 trillion 297 billion soums.

Among leasing objects the main share (33,1%) comes to agricultural techniques. Also the volume of leasing deals are high to obtaining auto transport (29,4%), technological equipment (24,4%) and real estate in a form of property complex (13,1%).

Moreover, at the meeting participants emphasized annual growth of number of lessor-banks and leasing companies. So, in 2012, 99 lessors operated in the leasing market among of which 73 are leasing companies and 26 are commercial banks.

Need to note, that in the leasing market over one four new deals (26,4%) were concluded in the city of Tashkent in 2012. Growth in this sphere is also observed in Samarkand and Tashkent regions — share of these regions in bulk of leasing operations made up 11,4% and 9,9% accordingly.

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