«Kosta Legal» is a Reliable Partner

«Kosta Legal» is a Reliable Partner


«Kosta Legal» appreciates that the Uzbek legal environment with its frequent changes, the large number of bylaws and inconsistency in practical application of legal norms may bring challenges to foreign investors. Specialists of “Kosta Legal” are eminently qualified to address these issues. They see their role as a local legal counsel in being first-to- call when the clients face any problems in their activities in Uzbekistan, be it examining complex multi-party loan agreements for its compliance with the Uzbek laws or hiring/firing personnel; representing the client in its negotiations of an investment agreement with the Uzbek Government or assisting in obtaining a relevant license to undertake certain activities; litigating in the court on behalf of the client over a multi-million dollar dispute or assisting in obtaining visas to its staff. This law firm has the necessary legal expertise, resources and flexibility to come on top of any matter of any complexity.

Based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, they work with multi-national and Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions, including regional development banks, and governments of different states as well as small and medium size business and start-ups.

Adress: 107 «B» Amir Timur, Тошкент 100084, Узбекистан
Tel: +998 71 238 94 28

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