All you need to know about transactions in business

All you need to know about transactions in business


AMBiT together with Victory Yurconsalt on May 31 will conduct a Paid Business Seminar on «For those who are sure that they are not mistaken when making deals» for entrepreneurs and members of the association. The seminar will be held in Ground Zero coworking (the TechnoPlaza business center)

Modern realities prove that a well-designed deal is often the key to achieving the planned result. Undoubtedly, the preparation and execution of transactions should be trusted by a lawyer. However, understanding the legal basis of transactions will allow an entrepreneur to set the right task for lawyers or make simple transactions themselves.

What will you receive from participation in the seminar?

1. You can get professional advice on your questions regarding transactions. Free consultation on the first 15 questions from participants (questions are taken during registration of participation in the seminar).

2. You will learn:


  • Competently make deals, in particular, prescribe the inalienable terms of contracts: subject, price, timing, resolution of disputes, termination,
  • Correctly execute transactions, in order to prevent unnecessary consequences;
  • Choose the type of transaction and accurately formulate its subject matter;
  • Avoid frequent and gross mistakes made by entrepreneurs in concluding transactions;
  • Assess the risks of concluding transactions or certain of its terms, as well as the consequences of the invalidity of transactions;
  • Correctly and maximally profitable or «painless» to resolve disputes arising on the execution of transactions;
  • To comply with the requirements for notarization and registration of transactions;
  • Understand the peculiarities of certain types of transactions, such as assignment of the right of claim, transfer of a debt, an import contract, a contract for the sale and lease of real estate,


3. Each participant will receive the following handout:


  • Approximate form of the contract of assignment of the right of claim;
  • An approximate form of a debt transfer agreement;
  • Approximate form of the import contract;
  • An approximate form of the contract for the sale of real estate;
  • Book for entrepreneurs and business lawyers «Legal compass of Uzbekistan» (available in Russian or Uzbek);
  • Certificate of participation.


What will we talk about?


1. During the business seminar the following issues will be considered:

2. Legal force of receipt.

3. Mandatory requirements for transactions.

4. Features of transactions with real estate.

5. What is the danger and what are the consequences of the invalidity of transactions?

6. Differences between invalidity and termination of a transaction.

7. How correctly to issue a concession of the right of the creditor’s claim to another person?

8. Contract of debt transfer.

9. Mandatory requirements for export-import contracts.

When should I comply with the requirements for notarization of the transaction and its registration?


Program of the event:

9: 30-10: 00 Registration, receipt of handouts
10:00 — 11:30 Lecture on «For those who are sure that they are not mistaken in making deals»
11:30 — 12:00 Answers to the questions
12:00 — 12:30 Coffee break
12:30 — 13:00 Continuation of the lecture
13:00 — 13:30 Answers to questions
13:30 Closing of the seminar and presentation of participation certificates

Speaker Information:


Smirnova Victoria Alexandrovna, General Director of Victory Yurconsalt


  • 11-year experience of professional activity in the field of jurisprudence, as a business consultant.
  • Support of domestic and foreign business (USA, Great Britain, China, Japan, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc.) entrepreneurs and companies.
  • Support transactions of large foreign investors with interests in Uzbekistan.
  • Protection of interests of entrepreneurs in courts on disputes arising from transactions.
  • Identification of risks in the performance of transactions of various kinds.


Rustambek Zhanabaev, legal adviser of Victory Yurconsalt


  • 5-year experience of professional activity in the legal field in the areas of corporate, financial, contractual, tax law, and also as a business consultant.
  • He conducted subscriber legal services for a number of large enterprises of Uzbekistan, including transaction support, drafting of legal documentation, risk assessment, etc.
  • Advised large companies of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Great Britain, Latvia, Japan, Turkey, the United States and other countries on issues of pre-contractual legal audit. In particular, he provided legal support for the acquisition of a large block of shares in a freight forwarding company worth over $ 8 million.
  • Represented clients in courts of various instances (the amount of claims won — more than 15 million US dollars).
  • Advised large companies of Uzbekistan on optimization of contractual work (the mechanism of coordination, selection of counterparties, the formation of dossiers of contracts, etc.).
  • Carried out legal support and conclusion of the transaction of privatization of large real estate objects by foreign companies and diplomatic missions. In particular, he represented the interests of a foreign diplomatic mission for the purchase of land and buildings in the Republic of Uzbekistan worth more than $ 1 million.


Cost of participation:

250 000 sums (any form of payment).

Hurry, the number of seats is limited!

Buy a ticket before May 15 discount — 10%

With group recording of 3 or more participants, a discount of -15%

How to participate?

Simply order a ticket by calling the following numbers:

Mob: + 998 98 306 96 81

Mob: + 998 90 935 96 81

Anastasia Vasilyeva


Delivery of tickets in Tashkent is free!

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